News Archive for Week of August 3, 2020
Sullivan: Lockdowns Never Again - Sweden Was Right
Peek: The Other Reason Dems Want Biden to Shun Debates
Christians Devise Clever Way to Sidestep COVID Restrictions
Joe Said What? Biden Implies Nearly All Blacks Think Alike
TV Ratings for Woke NBA, MLB Take Massive Hit
NASA to Remove "Offensive" Names from Heavenly Bodies
Gov. Cuomo: NY Schools Can Open, with Strict Guidelines
Stocking: Sturgis - Suddenly Media Hate Large Gatherings
Widburg: De Blasio's Plan to Destroy NYC Is Working
Achorn: Who Elected Twitter & Facebook to Censor Speech?
Sources: Simon Cowell Breaks Back in Bad E-Bike Crash
Civil Rights Attorney: Biden Has Plantation-Owner Mindset
Libertarian Presidential Candidate Jorgensen Bitten by Bat
"Peaceful" Portland Rioters Set Fire to Police Union - Again
Biden Tries to Walk Back Cringeworthy "Diversity" Remarks
Fake Drivers Licenses Flood into US from China, Elsewhere
COVID-19 Threatens to Take Toll on Halloween Businesses
US Adds 1.8 Million Jobs, Unemployment Drops to 10.2%
Conrad Black: Biden's Pretend Campaign
Dow on 6-Day Winning Streak, Closes at 27,433.48
Portland Mayor Unleashes Police on Violent Demonstrations
Young Black Americans Not Sold on Biden, Dems, or Voting
Biden Silently Refuses to Condemn Anti-Catholic Attacks
AP: Gov. Whitmer Meets with Biden as He Nears VP Decision
"Screw COVID": 250,000 Bikers Head to Sturgis, SD for Rally
Trump to Suspend Payroll Tax Until End of 2020
Feds Discover Most Sophisticated Border Tunnel Ever
Trump Says He Will Provide COVID Relief If Congress Doesn't
Brent Scowcroft, Former Nat'l Security Advisor (1925-2020)
Showalter: Bad Medicine - Fauci's HCQ Waterloo
National Review: New York's Lawless NRA Lawsuit
Goodwin: Joe Biden's Basement Strategy Will Backfire
NRA Files Its Own Lawsuit Against NY Attorney General
Study: Most of Europe Bans Mail-In Ballots Due to Fraud Risk
30-Year Mortgage Rates Plunge to Record Low of 2.88%
Will George Floyd Body Camera Videos Lead to Acquittals?
Gallup: 81% of Blacks Want to Maintain or Increase Police
NYC Sets Up Quarantine Checkpoints for People Entering
Horowitz: The Perils of Pretending a War Is Something Else
Widburg: Has the Pushback Against Dem Overreach Begun?
It Begins: Facebook, Twitter Censor Trump for the First Time
WH, Dems, Still Very Far Apart on Coronavirus Aid Deal
Teens Arrested at Mar-a-Lago After Trespassing with AK-47
Ratings for NBA, MLB Crash After Protest-Filled Debuts
LA to Cut Power and Water from Homes that Host Parties
Zogby: Trump "Winning Big" with Swing Voters
Biden Lashes Out at Black Reporter: "Are You a Junkie?"
Biden Will Skip Dem Convention and Stay in His Basement
Biden Raises $140M in July - Trump Reportedly Raises $165M
Michelle Obama Reveals "Depression", Blames Trump
Trump Campaign's Advantage Over Biden - Ground Game
Primaries Show Dems Losing Control to the Radical Left
Gallup: 84% Blame Media for Political Division in America
Armed Robberies on NYC's Wealthy Upper East Side Up 286%
Michelle Malkin: Antifa/BLM Mob Is Coming for the Suburbs
Woke ESPN's Subscriber Losses Accelerate
Reni Santoni, "Dirty Harry", "Seinfeld" Actor (1938-2020)
MI Gov's Directive Declares Racism a "Public Health Crisis"
Minneapolis Police Dept. Tells Residents: Submit to Criminals
McCaughey: Beware These 3 Widespread Lies About COVID
Dems Refuse to Condemn Antifa Rioters at Senate Hearing
Beirut Emerges from Ashes After Deadly Explosion
Fall from Grace: "Ellen" Ratings Plummet to All-Time Low
Bongino Sources: Biden Is Mentally Near Point of No Return
NYC Teachers Protest COVID Danger - In Packed March
RFK Jr.: Fauci Will Make Millions on Coronavirus Vaccine
Biden's Delays Intensify Jockeying Among Possible VP Picks
Nike Plans 500 HQ Layoffs After Dismal 2Q Revenues
Isaias Wreaks Destruction, Outages in Philadelphia Area
Jashinsky: Why Libs Pretend Decent Americans Are Racist
Rush: COVID Cases/Fatality Chart Justifies Trump Optimism
Catron: Why Voting by Mail Imperils Biden More than Trump
What TikTok Hides Beneath Its Cute Videos Should Scare You
Thomas: Big Tech and Capitalism
Bodycam Footage of George Floyd Encounter Is Leaked
Gray: Have We Passed Peak Biden?
Pressure Mounts on Biden to Skip Presidential Debates
Mahlon Reyes, "Deadliest Catch" Deckhand (1981-2020)
Leftist Media Ignore Allegatons About Clinton, Epstein Island
Critically Ill COVID Patients Recover Quickly RLF-100
New COVID-19 Cases Hit 4-Week Low for 2nd Straight Day
Dow +236.10 to Start August, Nasdaq Closes at Record High
Rush: The Democrat Party Train Wreck
Hurricane Isaias Barrels Up the US East Coast
Rasmussen: Trump Approval at 51%, Highest Since February
Moore: Paying People Not to Work Is Not Economic Stimulus
Will Audubon Society Cancel Its Slave-Owning Namesake?
NYC: Already More Shootings in 2020 than in All of 2019
Peek: Why Biden Is Dithering on Choosing His Running Mate
COVID Concerns as Annual Sturgis Rally Expecting 250,000
SpaceX Capsule Splashes Down after Historic 2-Month Trip
Portland PD Finally Cracking Down on Antifa/BLM Rioters
New COVID Cases Declining in Hardest-Hit States
Lord & Taylor Files for Bankruptcy